General guidelines

Get an Appraisal GET /a/[appraisal-id].json

This endpoint returns the details for an appraisal in JSON format. The data includes everything needed to render the appraisal page. The most important part of the response is in the "totals" top-level key which includes the total buy price and sell price.

CURL Example

curl ""
    "created": 1505592961,
    "id": "coyaw",
    "items": [
            "meta": {
                "bpc": false
            "name": "avatar",
            "prices": {
                "all": {
                    "avg": 0,
                    "max": 64840457150.95,
                    "median": 64840457150.95,
                    "min": 64840457150.95,
                    "order_count": 0,
                    "percentile": 64840457150.95,
                    "stddev": 0,
                    "volume": 0
                "buy": {
                    "avg": 0,
                    "max": 64840457150.95,
                    "median": 64840457150.95,
                    "min": 64840457150.95,
                    "order_count": 0,
                    "percentile": 64840457150.95,
                    "stddev": 0,
                    "volume": 0
                "sell": {
                    "avg": 0,
                    "max": 64840457150.95,
                    "median": 64840457150.95,
                    "min": 64840457150.95,
                    "order_count": 0,
                    "percentile": 64840457150.95,
                    "stddev": 0,
                    "volume": 0
                "strategy": "ccp",
                "updated": "2017-09-16T20:12:25.615722552Z"
            "quantity": 1,
            "typeID": 11567,
            "typeName": "Avatar",
            "typeVolume": 10000000
    "kind": "listing",
    "market_name": "jita",
    "raw": "avatar",
    "totals": {
        "buy": 64840457150.95,
        "sell": 64840457150.95,
        "volume": 10000000
    "unparsed": {}

Create Appraisal POST /appraisal/structured.json

This enpoint creates a new appraisal and returns the price data in JSON format.

CURL Example

curl -XPOST "" --data '{"market_name": "jita", "items": [{"name": "Rifter"}, {"type_id": 34}]}'
    "appraisal": {
        "created": 1603934571,
        "items": [
                "meta": {},
                "name": "Rifter",
                "prices": {
                    "all": {
                        "avg": 425135.29147805576,
                        "max": 2899000,
                        "median": 434000,
                        "min": 10210,
                        "order_count": 25,
                        "percentile": 560000,
                        "stddev": 168744.1130833041,
                        "volume": 554
                    "buy": {
                        "avg": 341622.44776817923,
                        "max": 451300,
                        "median": 416200,
                        "min": 10210,
                        "order_count": 12,
                        "percentile": 451300,
                        "stddev": 80502.83186350626,
                        "volume": 323
                    "sell": {
                        "avg": 577212.5309505196,
                        "max": 2899000,
                        "median": 559100,
                        "min": 558600,
                        "order_count": 13,
                        "percentile": 558600,
                        "stddev": 167899.35545500438,
                        "volume": 231
                    "strategy": "orders",
                    "updated": "2020-10-29T01:18:14.941116237Z"
                "quantity": 1,
                "typeID": 587,
                "typeName": "Rifter",
                "typeVolume": 2500
                "meta": {},
                "name": "",
                "prices": {
                    "all": {
                        "avg": 5.127115278624414,
                        "max": 9998,
                        "median": 9.83,
                        "min": 0.01,
                        "order_count": 173,
                        "percentile": 14.18,
                        "stddev": 103.65841794616796,
                        "volume": 11486932925
                    "buy": {
                        "avg": 0.1077433860746228,
                        "max": 7.87,
                        "median": 0.01,
                        "min": 0.01,
                        "order_count": 21,
                        "percentile": 7.78,
                        "stddev": 3.232129715938109,
                        "volume": 1802680289
                    "sell": {
                        "avg": 10.522742318531256,
                        "max": 9998,
                        "median": 10,
                        "min": 8.74,
                        "order_count": 152,
                        "percentile": 8.74,
                        "stddev": 112.8195790348922,
                        "volume": 9684252636
                    "strategy": "orders",
                    "updated": "2020-10-29T01:18:14.941116237Z"
                "quantity": 1,
                "typeID": 34,
                "typeName": "Tritanium",
                "typeVolume": 0.01
        "kind": "structured",
        "live": false,
        "market_name": "jita",
        "private": false,
        "raw": "",
        "totals": {
            "buy": 451307.87,
            "sell": 558608.74,
            "volume": 2500.01
        "unparsed": null

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